How do you prioritize learning new things?
Test Post with Image
CORS headers with dot net core 3

Test post with code

I’m having issues with an import into, just testing out a post with code snippets.

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Keto-ish ramen if you feel like it
Python Flask with Heroku and TravisCI
Getting started with Java
Ferment round 2: cucumbers
Ferment round 2: hot sauce
SEO and canonical links

SEO and canonical links

In the process of moving to hexo and off of Medium I ended up doing a bit of research into SEO and canonical links.

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Hexo - local configuration
Hello Hexo - also new home for blog?

Hello Hexo - also new home for blog?

Greetings from Hexo and a markdown file!

Lately I’ve been thinking a bit about why I’ve been attempting to blog more.

There were a few reasons for my attempts to blog:

  • Help people through teaching
  • Help myself through teaching
  • Perhaps make a little money by producing content
  • Build some of my “brand”
  • Become a better writer
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Getting Started with MongoDb with .NET Core

Getting Started with MongoDb with .NET Core

Getting started on MongoDb with .NET Core

Coming from a strictly relational db world, NoSql style databases have always seemed a bit scary! I recently had the opportunity to play around with MongoDb for the first time, and I was quite surprised by how easy it was to get started!

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Microsoft Orleans-My first podcast interview!
Microsoft Orleans-Dashboard Update-CPU/Memory Stats
Docker-writing a smaller image with multi stage builds for .NET core
My Keto Journey

My Keto Journey

The ketogenic diet is a different way to approach food, and energy from food. In the typical American diet, one receives most of the energy they get from food via carbohydrates.

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Microsoft Orleans - Observables
db in c#-how does I do again?

db in c#-how does I do again?

With the government shut down (again!) I’m not working at the moment, so onto learning on stuff! I wanted to do something with a database, and I’ve gone done and forgotten how to work with them it’s been so long!

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Microsoft Orleans-Easily switching between "development" and "production" configurations.

Microsoft Orleans-Easily switching between "development" and "production" configurations.

There are some differences in how one would host an Orleans server locally vs deployed in a production scenario. In this post, we’ll use some of the skills we’ve built on previously, to help us in our journey to hosting a production ready Orleans cluster.

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